
Feature Image Velocimetry using opyf on a UAV/Drone Video of a Mountain Stream


This tutorial explains the procedure for applying opyflow on a UAV/Drone video of the Navizence mountain river. The procedure corresponds to the example presented in Annex F of Rousseau (2019). After following the steps, you will be able to generate an accumulation of feature velocities on a sequence and perform interpolation on a background grid.

Bird's Eye View of Navizence


Follow this link to install the opyflow python package.

Work Tree and Analyzer Object

First, let’s set up the work tree and create an analyzer object to perform the analysis. Define the output folder and the location where your process will be performed.

import sys
# sys.path.append('/folder/toward/opyf') (eventually add directly the opyf package folder if not installed using pip)
import opyf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os



Specify the path to the video file.

filePath = './2018.07.04_Station_fixe_30m_sample.mp4'

Set the videoAnalyzer object.

video = opyf.videoAnalyzer(filePath)

This creates an object video that contains information derived from the video file. If you are working with a frame sequence, use opyf.frameSequenceAnalyzer(path) and provide the path where the images are stored.

Time Vector Setting

Next, let’s set the time vector for processing.

video.set_vecTime(Ntot=10, shift=1, step=2, starting_frame=20)
print(video.vec, '\n', video.prev)

Use the .set_vecTime method to define the processing plan. This method sets video.vec and video.prev, two vectors required for image processing. By default, it plans a processing of the first two images of the video or frame sequence and extracts velocities between these two images. The values in video.vec represent the frame indices, and video.prev indicates if a previous image has been processed. video.prev=False means that no previous image is processed, and True means that the flow will be measured using the pair {False+True} from the good features detected in the first image.

The parameters [Ntot], [shift], [starting_frame], and [step] control the processing plan. [Ntot] specifies the total number of image pairs, [shift] specifies the shift between two pairs, [starting_frame] specifies the first image, and [step] specifies the number of images between two images of each pair. Note that increasing the [step] value will result in larger displacements. Also, if the object is built from a video using videoAnalyzer, there might be a slight lag due to loading the required images into memory for efficiency reasons.

This function also defines video.Time, which is the time vector at which velocity measurements are performed.

First Run with No Optimization

Now, let’s run the analysis without any optimization.

    display='quiver', displayColor=True, width=0.002)

The method .extractGoodFeaturesAndDisplacements applied to the video object will detect the “good features to track” and calculate the optical flow according to the processing plan defined by set_vecTime. The option display='quiver' displays the velocity vectors corresponding to the features, while display='points' shows only the positions. The displayColor option introduces a colormap corresponding to the velocity magnitude. You can use the usual arguments for plotting with plt.quiver for the quiver plot or plt.scatter for the points. We can observe that the processing plan is really not optimal.

Norm Velocity Limits

For improving results, we can provide the expected velocity magnitudes and set the velocity limits.

video.set_vlim([0, 30])

The set_vlim method defines video.vlim and indicates the range of displacement norms expected with the processing plan. This is closely linked to the [step] parameter in set_vecTime since step controls displacements magnitude. You can run the processing again and observe the difference.

    display='quiver', displayColor=True, width=0.002)


Now, let’s apply some filters to eliminate outliers.

video.set_filtersParams(wayBackGoodFlag=4, RadiusF=20,
                        maxDevInRadius=1, CLAHE=True)

The set_filtersParams method allows you to set various filters:

Good Features to Track

You can specify the parameters for “Good Features to Track” which is a function provided by the opencv package (more information available in the opencv tutorial for good features to track algorithm Shi, Tomasi (1994)).

video.set_goodFeaturesToTrackParams(maxCorners=50000, qualityLevel=0.001)

You can access these parameters using video.feature_params.

Optical Flow

You may also specify the parameters for optical flow. The default parameters are set by video.set_opticalFlowParams(winSize=(16, 16), maxLevel=3). For more information on optical flow, refer to the lukas kanade optical flowOpenCV documentation.


You can access the optical flow parameters using video.lk_params.

Extract Feature Displacements and Interpolate

Extract the velocity field by interpolating the displacements of the “good features to track” on a field defined by the method set_gridToInterpolateOn. By default, this grid is set to (pixLeft=0, pixRight=0, stepHor=2, pixUp=0, pixDown=0, stepVert=2).

Interpolated data with accumulation will be stored in video.UxTot[k] and video.UyTot[k] for velocities at video.Time[k].

video.extractGoodFeaturesPositionsDisplacementsAndInterpolate(display='field', displayColor=True, scale=80, width=0.005)

To improve the quality of the treatment and obtain a converged flow field, you can increase the number of frame pairs Ntot. Here, we set Ntot to 88 instead of 10 in the previous example. This allows for convergence of flow statistics over at least 3 seconds (see

Annex F of Rousseau (2019) for more explanations).

You can also regulate the smoothness of the data by reducing the sharpness using the interpolator parameter.

video.set_interpolationParams(Sharpness=10, Radius=40)
video.set_vecTime(starting_frame=20, step=2, shift=1, Ntot=10)
video.extractGoodFeaturesDisplacementsAccumulateAndInterpolate(display1='quiver', display2='field', displayColor=True, scale=200)

If you apply the method extractGoodFeaturesDisplacementsAccumulateAndInterpolate, only one field will be produced at the end of the processing. Setting display1='quiver' displays the “good features to track” at each time step, while display2='field' displays the final field interpolated on the grid from all the velocity vectors. This method is useful when the flow is expected to be permanent or quasi-static during an interval that contains several frames. It is also appropriate to obtain the average velocity field from a sequence.

Interpolated data with accumulation are stored in video.UxTot[0] and video.UyTot[0].

Save Data

To extract the field data in CSV format, use the following code:


If extractGoodFeaturesDisplacementsAccumulateAndInterpolate is run, only one file will be generated for the field resulting from the accumulation of vectors. If extractGoodFeaturesPositionsDisplacementsAndInterpolate is run, a series of CSV files will be generated.

The format of the CSV file is: X, Y, Ux, Uy.

By default, the vertical axis Y is oriented downward for images.

To save data in smaller files, the most convenient format is HDF5.

# Check if the file is readable

Scale Data

video.scaleData(framesPerSecond=25, metersPerPx=0.02,
                unit=['m', 's'], origin=[0, video.Hvis])

The scaling function is used if you want to scale the data by providing the frames per second (framesPerSecond) and the length scale (metersPerPx). The method is irreversible, meaning there is no possibility to revert the scaling. However, you can continue to process the scaled data.

Here, the scale is set to 2 centimeters per pixel. The Y axis is now oriented upward. You can verify this by using the following code:

video.showXV(video.X, video.V, display='points', displayColor=True)

or by visualizing the averaged velocity field:

Field = opyf.Render.setField(video.UxTot[0], video.UyTot[0], 'norm')
video.opyfDisp.plotField(Field, vis=video.vis)

This will plot the resulting averaged field.

video.set_vecTime(Ntot=10, shift=1, step=1, starting_frame=20)
video.extractGoodFeaturesDisplacementsAccumulateAndInterpolate(display2='field', displayColor=True, scale=200)
video.set_trackingFeatures(Ntot=10, step=1, starting_frame=1, track_length=5, detection_interval=10)


The extractTracks method is available for extracting tracks on images. The principle is inspired by the lktrack.py sample from OpenCV’s repository (lk_track.py). The main difference is the ability to store the tracks.

Note that if the object is built from a video using videoAnalyzer, there might be a lag since each required image is loaded into memory for efficiency reasons. It is a technique to better filter relevant velocities, as it is possible to track these patterns for multiple frames. Note also that if the vector field was accumulated over Ntot images, the track will only have Ntot-1 positions.

video.set_filtersParams(wayBackGoodFlag=1, CLAHE=False)
video.extractTracks(display='quiver', displayColor=True, saveImgPath='./export_Tracks/', numberingOutput=True)

Tracks can be saved in a CSV file:


In the code above, the mkdir2 function creates a directory called export_Tracks if it doesn’t already exist. The set_filtersParams function is used to set filter parameters, such as the wayBackGoodFlag and CLAHE options. The extractTracks method extracts and displays the tracks, using the display parameter to visualize them as a quiver plot with color-coded velocities. The saveImgPath parameter specifies the path to save the exported images, and numberingOutput adds numbering to the output files. Finally, the writeTracks method saves the tracks in the specified output folder.